This art collaboration by Terry Martin, John Cherry and Artist, Ric Allison will be part of the
Surfing Heritage Foundations opening inventory at the Newport Beach, South Coast Plaza, Surfing Heritage Foundation Mini-Museum and Gallery. Headed by Surfing Heritage Foundation's Dick Metz, the Gallery is scheduled to open on November 19th. we are honored to have a place there. The mini museum will display selections from the grand collection of surfboard history from the Surfing Heritage Foundation Museum in San Clemente.
In photo 1, with the inlaid art boards is Shaper, Terry Martin and Builder / Shaper, John Cherry. The incredible art inlays are by Ric Allison, noted Pennsylvania artist and Professor of Furniture design at the University of Pennsylvania.
Additional collaboration pieces are on the drawing board
Thanks for the feedback on the Sims21, sounds fascinating, and great fun.
These two balsas look stunning! Shape and artwork, really superb! You guys really put out some fine work!
How do these 9'0" Simmons spoons ride?
The original Simmons reproduction boards are a kick to ride. However, they are nothing like the modern longboards that we are used to riding. The era of these designs (late 40's early 50's) represented a giant leap from square, hollow surfboards and heavy, flat, redwood planks into the progression of modern surfboard design. Bob Simmons is universally considered the Father of the modern surfboard. He is the one who first started using lighter materials like balsa and foam and the first to indroduce hydrodynamic plane concepts into surfboard design. His designs however, predate the evolution of designs that enhanced turning abilities. His boards were designed to take off diagonally and haul ass down the line at places like rincon, malibu, PV cove, big windansea, etc. that is how the reproductions ride. They are very difficult to turn. They absolutely scream down the line when in trim. I am going to post a couple photos of a 9-0 Simmons and a 10-0 Simmons. The 9-0 is more maneuverable. The 10-0 is faster. Check it out. JC
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